parking feature

Make December Free Again

With malice toward none and charity to all, let it be said… we need free parking this December. I will speak on this at Tuesday’s Town Council meeting (11/14) and if there is support, I’d like to vote on it at the next workshop. (11/28)

Why not ask for a vote on Tuesday? … Because I don’t like voting on topics without proper discussion. We discuss it Tuesday, then allow two weeks for the public to be heard and for Council members to consider it. Then, and only then, a vote is appropriate (in my opinion.) So why Hoffer, why?

It’s Asking Too Much From Too Few

It’s just too much of a burden on our local businesses. They didn’t sign up for this when they invested in our town. And I’m not just talking about the Boardwalk businesses here. The lack of visitors and the bad publicity hurts all of our businesses. With free parking in the winter months, people may come to town for the beach and the Boardwalk, but have dinner at an establishment who has their own parking lot on their way out of town. I’ve also heard from property managers who said that CB off-season listings are down because visitors are specifically requesting Kure Beach places.

It’s Bad For Our Image

We are the only beach town in the entire state that charges for parking year-round. Even those fancy-pantsed**, Eagletonians up in Wrightsville Beach don’t charge November-February. Hell, they don’t even give their own citizens a parking pass**, but it’s free in the winter!

And don’t get me started on the citations. Let’s just say it’s a bad look. We need to take a reset and discuss this fully over the winter months.

It’s Not That Much Money

December 2022 gross parking revenue was about $25,000. That sounds like more than it really is. We can make that up next spring easily by simply raising the maximum daily fee from $25 to $35. It doesn’t have to affect the current budget at all.

But if you really want to play the “It’ll raise my taxes!” game, it would amount to $3 out of my pocket. That’s based on how much we’d have to raise taxes (which we won’t) to make up the loss. It’s a good thing I have Janet to split the cost with me. Quick honey, look under the couch cushions!

Let me get this straight… we’re going to divide the town (and yes, this has divided the town) over $3?Which brings me to my last point:

It’s Just Not Popular

The election tells me so. Lynn Barbee won 49.9% of the vote. Call me crazy, but I think every one of the other 50.1% don’t like the parking policy. It was a one-issue election for them. Think about it, what else is there that’s so controversial? You can nitpick all you want, but things are generally going better than ever in Carolina Beach. Without this unpopular issue, he probably runs unopposed.

And many of those who voted for Lynn did so despite not liking the parking policy. I know this because they told me so.

Which leads me to believe that if the current parking policy was a ballot initiative it would lose big time. The business owners are a very small minority in Carolina Beach. But we’re an empathetic bunch and most of us feel guilty about this. You can put me in that group.

The Theory of Congestion Pricing

Many people don’t realize this, but paid parking isn’t just about the money. It’s also a form of congestion control. Think of higher road tolls during rush hour. You charge more during the crazy season to keep the crowds in check and less during the slower season to encourage visitors. It’s a way to flatten the crowd curve which makes it easier to manage the town. I think we’ve gotten away from that.

I’ve heard from quite a few citizens that like the price point because it makes finding a parking space easier in the busy season. What good is a parking pass if there’s nowhere to park?

A Word About Our Town Council

Buried down here at the bottom of the blog, this may not be read, but I mean every word.

Did you know that this is first time in over 20 years that the same exact Council will serve for 4 years straight? There has always been turnover. Why not this year? Because this is an honorable, professional and dedicated group. Because people agree with the general direction of the town. There will always be detractors and gadflies, but let’s be real… things are good right now. The financials are great, projects are getting done, grant money is flowing and we communicate pretty well.

If you’re convinced that we’re a terrible Council, then you’re either new to town or have a really bad memory. Things may not be perfect, but have they ever been perfect in CB? I’ve seen Council members bicker endlessly at meetings, resign in a huff and get arrested in bar fights. Who here remembers the road diet? Buying oceanfront hotels? The Arcadius high rise project? Hiring a Town Manager that lasted 3 months? The original lake dredge project?

Why are things going well? I’d say that continuity, consistency and cordiality are underrated attributes. We have staff in place and we let them do their jobs. We don’t change our priorities every 6 weeks. We had a very smooth transition in 2021. While we looked inexperienced on paper (Jay and Lynn had only served 2 years, 3 new members were taking office) we were ready to go. Jay and Lynn are  mature professionals. Joe had served as Mayor, Deb’s local understanding was unmatched and me… well, I’m pretty experienced and educated and I’ll just leave it at that.

We disagree, but we don’t bicker. We have fun, but we stay professional. We have dreams, but we stay realistic.

The first words of this blog were “with malice toward none.” I mean it. To those who disagree with me, no hard feelings. We’ll either make the change or we won’t. And then we’ll continue to move forward.

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