On January 27 & 28 Town Council and all of the department heads spent 2 solid days on a budget retreat. (btw… this old boy had to use vacation time to do it.) It’s a time to sort out what our main priorities are for the coming budget. (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) It’s often said that a budget is a moral document… the ultimate statement of values.

The first step is to formalize the basic priorities we agreed upon. We created a draft strategic plan and you can view it here.
I used the time to push for my personal governing philosophy… always be improving. Continuous Improvements and Complete Projects were the Hoffer theme.
Continuous Improvements… lets make sure that every year we get a little bit better. For instance: Canal Drive. I know it floods and I also know that it can’t be fixed overnight. But I think we can fit into the budget a couple improvements that move us in the right direction. We should apply this rule to everything… stormwater, parking, beautification, etc…
Complete Projects… We must make sure that every project we complete considers all of our needs. A bad example is St. Joseph’s Street. It was just re-paved 4 years ago and now here we are working on a bike/ped improvement. (Poor planning.) A good example is Cape Fear Blvd. When we did utility improvements a few years back, we put it back together with a nice multi-use path and landscaping. (Good planning.)
Currently we’re re-building the Hamlet parking area, bathrooms and showers. We’re also doing a stormwater improvement close to the beach access. I will be sorely and bitterly disappointed if we don’t use the opportunity to add golf cart spaces, bike racks and beautification while we’re doing this. (And trust me, I’m bugging staff about it big time!)

You may recall that I ran on a platform of making CB more bike and pedestrian friendly… remember that? So I’m starting with the budget. I spent the two days insisting that we commit resources in every budget. The strategic plan includes these priorities, but it’s just a start. I know that it isn’t worth price of the paper if we don’t actually do these things!
That being said, so far so good.