I’m Mike Hoffer… I serve on the Town Council in Carolina Beach, NC.

** What you see on this website is what I personally wrote during my campaign in 2021. I have left it unchanged so that you can decide if I’ve stayed true to my principles. **

My vision is for a Carolina Beach focused more on the sun and the sea than it is on night life and rides… a town where bikes and pedestrians are as important as cars and trucks… a town that is healthy, sustainable and great for the locals.

We must focus on alternative transportation before we find ourselves in gridlock. Let’s encourage people to get out of their cars and onto their feet, their bikes (and yes, their golf carts too.) This will result in a safer town, easier access to our businesses and a more peaceful environment.

Our community should be an absolute paradise for outdoor recreation and I will see that it happens.  

I will never support policies that make things crazy, crowded or complicated. I will always support policies that make things sane, serene and simple. Ultimately these decisions will result in a town that is easier to manage and fiscally sound.

Join me,

Three Big Questions

I’m a local since 2003 with a dedication to friends, family and community. I volunteer my time endlessly…coaching, serving on committees, managing projects, etc…you can even find me cleaning litter from the side of the road.

I’ve been grinding for this town since the day I got here. Running for council is not something I’m doing because it sounds fun. I am well aware of the effort required to serve in this capacity. Working hard for Carolina Beach is not a new thing for me!

I love the outdoors…my favorite hobbies are walking, biking, swimming, surfing and disc golfing. Notice a pattern? They’re all things that are simple, inexpensive and yes…sustainable.

  • Carolina Beach Local since 2003

  • Master’s Degree in Public Administration
  • Undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Professional Experience

  • Mechanical engineer, Civil engineer, Stormwater system designer
  • 2 year employee of Carolina Beach
  • 5 year employee of New Hanover County
  • 4 year Owner of a small business in Carolina Beach
    (Snow’s Cut Media)
  • 5 years managing an environmental non-profit
  • Carolina Beach Knowledge

  • Carolina Beach Local since 2003
  • Chair of the Bike and Pedestrian Committee
  • Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Operations Committee
  • Published a local magazine and studied the town and the people extensively (2006-10)
  • Pretty good disc golfer (ok that’s not necessarily relevant)

My primary passion is to see Carolina Beach (and our island as a whole) become a biking, hiking, walking, rolling paradise. We’re already blessed with the important pieces…the sun, sand, ocean, river, parks, greenways and boardwalk. But we’re not doing enough to tie these amenities together.


Our sidewalks are inconsistent, our bike routes are poorly marked, and Lake Park Boulevard is too dangerous. We already have plans in place to address these issues, but we aren’t implementing them.


As our area becomes more crowded it’s increasingly important that we focus on our natural amenities. We must keep our streets safe and encourage alternative transportation.

Keep the Home Town Feel


What makes a town feel like home? Here’s a few examples:

  •    1) You can walk to school safely.
  •    2) You can enjoy a bike ride to the pub.
  •    3) You can sit under a shady tree.
  •    4) You can find a parking spot downtown.
  •    5) You can live affordably.

As a councilman I will insist that we begin implementing plans that will ensure all of those qualities are true for Carolina Beach.

Latest News

Pie chart on a stock chart with a budget

Budget 2024/25

Our new budget took effect today. And yes it included a 9% property tax increase and 4% utility increase. Let’s just get that out of the way. Property tax w ...


A Tale of 2 Houses

With budget season in full bloom, I decided to run a little experiment. I’ve always said that Carolina Beach defies comparison, but it still can’t hurt. How mu ...

Meet Mike

I have been a CB Local since 2003. I’m happily married to Janet Hoffer and we have 2 great kids… Johnny (17) and Sarah (16) The kids went to CB Elementary School.

I work as a Mechanical Inspector for New Hanover County. I’m not wealthy, not a developer, and not a corporate bigwig. I’m just a guy trying to live here! 

I have a big vision for Carolina Beach, and I look forward to serving our community on a deeper level.

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