Two recent committee meetings – Bike & Pedestrian (1/24) and Beautification (2/2)
So far, so good and I’m feeling comfortable in my new role. Ultimately I’m here to help and provide feedback. I speak for the Town Council (somewhat) to help the group understand their role, I provide information about how our government works (when I can) and I will help them gather information going forward. I do not set the agendas, run the meetings or vote.
Here’s the Hoffer Review format:
The topic… What is going on.
[My take.]
Bike & Pedestrian (Monday, January 24, 6:30pm)
New officers… I stepped down as chairman, and Ricky Niec was elected to take my place. Nick Hahn and Yvonne Bailey stayed in their roles as Vice Chair and Secretary.
[I’m quite pleased. Ricky is a long time local who works hard! Nick and Yvonne have been stalwarts since the committee was formed.]
St. Joseph Street Improvements… Our engineering consultant spoke to the group and took feedback about what we think are the most important features. He will put together a very rough draft and then we’ll hold an open house (or two?) for the folks to provide input.
[My take away is that as a group we’re most concerned about providing safe pedestrian access to St. Joseph Street. Simply adding bike lanes won’t do that. A separate path is the best way forward. We also agreed that Lake Park to Otter Road is the most critical part.]
Ocean Boulevard Sidewalk… There may be money coming to Carolina Beach for an Ocean Blvd sidewalk. I was hoping to have more to report, but it’s still in the works.
[This would be amazing… fingers crossed.]
Friends of the Parks and Greenways… A new nonprofit group is forming to support the Parks and Greenways. As a 501C3 group they can solicit donations for specific projects, hold fund raisers and develop a stewardship corps.
[I’m fully in support, mainly because we can form a stewardship corps to maintain our trail system and we can raise money. Let’s go.]
Bicycle Boulevards Phase 2… Marking, enhancing and advertising preferred bike routes is under way. Phase 1 was 8th Street and Harper between the Greenway and the State Park. Phase 2 is Greenville Ave and 4th Street between the Greenway and the Elementary School. Volunteers will run this project. If you’re interested in helping call me at 910-612-1909.
[I like it when volunteers can do the projects. It frees town staff to do other things and keeps the folks engaged.]
Beautification (Wednesday, February 2)
2 New members… Rachel Nadeau and Chris Bartosik joined the team
[Glad to have you!]
Feedback on Mission, Vision and 2022 Goals… In the interest of keeping our committees focused, Town Council asked each committee to present their Mission and Vision Statements as well as their 2022 Goals. Their goals included improving our appearance, pursuing a Tree City designation, beautifying our public beach accesses, hosting clean up events, enhancing our welcome sign, pointing out clear code violations and creating an awards program to highlight local businesses that are improving their look. Starting the process of creating a Beautification Master Plan is also a 2022 goal.
[I personally think the Beautification Committee has an excellent take on their role. They’re setting clear and attainable goals. Good stuff.]
Update on wildflower garden… the team is starting a wildflower garden along the bike trail behind Food Lion.
Update on Beach Access beautification… Businesses or individuals can adopt a beach access and enhance it with landscaping of their choice. Call me at 910-612-1909 for more information.
[This is going well. You’ll see quite a few improvements this year.]
Tree City USA… This designation is through the Arbor Day Foundation. To be designated as such, a town must have a tree ordinance, be committed to spending money on trees, have a tree board and an arborist. The committee will make a presentation to Town Council at our February 25 workshop (9am.)
[Yes, I support this! I’d like to see Carolina Beach plant 100 trees next winter. It’s doable.]
Very informative review Mike! All good stuff!
Are there any plans to make the intersection of Carl Winner and Canal Drive more bike and pedestrian friendly when the eastern and southern Harbor front is redone? It would be a great time to redesign that intersection and make it safer. Thanks for your ongoing service to your neighbors and community.
I’m glad you said that Bob. I need to look into it. My current philosophy is “complete projects.” If we’re tearing stuff up, lets make sure to take the opportunity to make ALL the improvements we desire.